Pigou Effect on Wage Cut and Full Employment A renowned neoclassical economist, A.C. Pigou, suggested a cut in wage rates in order to remove huge and widespread unemployment prevailing at the time of great depression during the period 1929-33. According to him, under free competition, the tendency of economic system is to automatically provide full employment in the labor market and if there is unemployment in the free economy, then there are two reasons of it- first , rigidity in wage structure and second , interference in working of free market economy. For example : Government and trade unions of workers interfere free working of the capitalist economy and artificially keep the wage rates at high levels then: High wages → high cost of production → price rise → decrease in demand of goods → supply is more than demand → decrease in demand of labour → unemployment. He expressed the view that if the wage rates were cut down, demand for labor would increase so that all...