Saving Function, propensity to save
SAVING FUNCTION Saving is that part of income which is not consumed because disposable income is either consumed or saved. Thus, Y = C + S S = Y – C where Y = Disposable income, C = Consumption, S = Saving Saving is also a function of income. S = f (Y) Saving function or propensity to save shows the savings of households at a given level of income during a given period of time. Alternately, it shows the different levels of saving at different levels of income in an economy. PROPERTIES OF THE SAVING FUNCTION The propensity to save is of two types: 1- The average propensity to save 2- The marginal propensity to save The average propensity to save : Average propensity to save is the proportion of disposable income that is saved. It shows us about the proportion of each income level that people will save i.e., they will not spend on consumption. Mathematically APS= S/Y Where S= Savings and Y= Disposable Income APS rises with increase in income because the proportio...