COLLUSIVE OLIGOPOLY: Perfect Cartel, Market-Sharing by Non-Price Competition and Output Quota Notes
COLLUSIVE OLIGOPOLY: CARTEL AS A COOPERATIVE MODEL The term collusion means to ‘play together’ in Economics. In collusive oligopoly, the firms cooperate with each other in taking joint actions to keep their bargaining position stronger against the consumer. When government action is responsible for bringing the firms together, then it is explicit collusion and when restrictions are introduced, firms may form themselves into secret societies, resulting in implicit collusion. Since formal or open agreements to form monopolies are illegal in most countries, agreements reached between oligopolists are generally tacit or secret. When the firms enter into such collusive agreements formally or secretly, collusive oligopoly prevails. Collusion may be based on either oral or written agreements. Collusion based on oral agreement leads to the creation of what is called as “Gentlemen’s agreement”. It does not consist of any records. Collusion based on written agreement creates what is known as...